Any American knows that passing an English test and being fluent in conversational or business English are WILDLY different things. When you’re thinking of offshoring projects, this difference becomes vitally important. Without effective business communication a project might never succeed. That’s why we knew we had to take action.

Usually in Ukraine, IT companies hire English tutors to help develop their staff’s language skills. That helps...kind of. In reality though, the tutor doesn’t know the IT business. While the tutor is busy schooling the staff on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, it’s up to the staff to take what they learn in theory and apply it to the IT world. That’s where the whole “tutor” idea starts falling apart. 

It’s like doing engine work on your ‘68 Mustang using a textbook about general engine maintenance. You’ll get there eventually...but there are better ways to do it. 

In the same way, having a tutor doesn’t translate to better communication

There’s a reason for the success of Bytebrand in Ukraine - it’s because when something isn’t working, we fix it. Unlike the other guys, we understand that communication is the lifeblood of every project so we put a major priority on it. Our classes do teach the usual vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.  But what happens next is where the magic lies. We focus on communication skills.

Soft skills are on the tip of everybody’s tongues. There are countless blogs and videos, seminars and courses dedicated to the topic. What good is getting an A+ in vocabulary if you don’t know how to communicate your ideas. Not everyone is born with the gift of gab, but with a little focused effort almost anyone can learn it.


So what exactly are we doing differently at Bytebrand? 


We practice in small groups from 5 to 10 people taking part in a variety of challenges - we even sing songs just to shed our inhibitions. Of course we practice writing, listening and speaking like others do. But our approach makes the difference, you can feel. Each lesson we are taught to feel comfortable during business communication and keep conversation constructive and ideas moving forward. 


All put together, you get to work with a team that delights in meeting you where you are. Worried about something being lost in translation? Not with ByteBrand.