Talk to a baby boomer and they'll be quick to tell you that young people today are ruining the world. They'll say we're lazy, entitled, and even self-absorbed.

It's easy to see where they get that idea. After all, older generations are on the outside looking in.

All they see is groups of Gen Zs gripping their electronic devices like their lives depend on it. Put down the phone and switch to a computer. Turn off the computer and switch to a smart TV.

And for goodness sake, do not forget to take a selfie!

But what older generations can not see is what we're doing. Why we're so engaged with technology. It's not just as way to escape, waste time, and get instant gratification (well, sometimes) but something better.

Generation Z is taking over the world with new and innovative ways of doing business and working.

We do not have to be in an office to be on a conference call. We do not have to send a fax to get information from one place to another. We do not even have to see the face or hear the voice of someone we work with every single day.

Our goals is not just to "work". We do not want to punch a timecard, put in our hours and wait for retirement. We want to get results - faster, better, and with meaning. We value our time in the office just as much as we value our time out of the office.

And speaking of our time out of the office, we also put a high value on time with friends and family. We're committed to our favorite people and we prioritize spending time with the ones we love.

To pull ourselves away from the important things in life we have to believe in what we're working on. We're completely self-motivated, we just need the right motivation. We want to have control over our careers and we'll go wherever opportunity takes us.

Bytebrand is packed to the rafters with Millennials and Gen Z. As a result, we are highly motivated to have an impact on the world and we go out of our way to make sure we get better results, faster.

Our team is committed to self-improvement, challenging themselves, pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible.

Bytebrand 100% supports our employees in their education and growth. Conferences, courses, books - everything our employees need to be the best is at their disposal.

Perhaps most important of all, we have a thriving staff culture where we all feel that we're an important part of something bigger. No one here feels like a cog in a machine.

We all have bigger a purpose.

Just call us Generation Zealous.